Sunday, December 30, 2012

How do i start beading?- Beading Tools

How do i start beading? It was a hobby that start form a trip to Kota Kinabalu, where most of the crystals pin are sold back then. And i thought, this looks like easy to make. So i bought a lot of crystals and pins, and  'A TOOL'. There's only ONE tool that i used back then... (to make a crystal pin, the only tools that i need is the round nose pliers....)

Later on i start picking up on beading by myself through internet and books, and bought other useful tools. Which actually was another 4 IMPORTANT tools to start beading. Just enough to start!...

Here are the list of tools that is very useful and most important to start beading.

1) Round nose pliers.

My very first tool was a cheap round nose pliers that i bought from a crystal store in Kota Kinabalu. It was very useful for a beginner, though it only last for one to two years before it start to spoil my pins. This pliers are use to bend wires and making loops. U will need this mostly in beading projects that use wires. That's why its important to invest in buying good set of tools.

2) Chain Nose Pliers

Chain nose pliers is use for everything else; holding your pieces, opening and closing chain links and jump rings. You will need this tool most of the time. 

3) Flat Nose Pliers

Flat nose pliers have the same function as the chain nose pliers. The different is this pliers have larger and flat nose that will not be suitable to use for small hole.

4) Cutter

Cutter is use to cut wire, stringing material etc. But it is advisable not to use cutter for cutting memory wire. Use memory wires cutter instead. (* i use cutter to cut everything i need to cut heheh)

For a good sets of tools, I would recommend Pliers Set, MonsterKraft™ Stainless Steel from This is a very good sets of pliers. I'm thinking of buying another sets.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

...... coming back.......!

27 December 2012. Wow, its been a year perhaps? more probably.... ?

There's a lot things happens in 2011 and 2012. Well, life changes everyday, and those changes made us who we are today. New life, new peoples,  new environment, new challenges.

As for My blinkblink brooch..... let say a new beginning might just come around.. :)

4 days to 2013. :)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

butterfly brooch.

RM15. ---availability - one only!
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